Legal Notice

Identity : Mr Maxime SAUVIAT, Gambler and blogger

Director of publication : Maxime SAUVIAT

Email : contact@apprenti-parieur.fr

7th Floor, 50 Broadway London SWIH 0DB



1.1. Mr. Maxime SAUVIAT (company " APPRENTI PARIEUR ") proposes and publishes an Internet Blog in the form of a blog available at the address www.apprenti-parieur.fr (the " Blog "), which provides general information on sports betting, horse racing, poker and more generally on gambling (the " Contents ")

1.2. By connecting to the Blog and accessing the Content, the Internet user accepts as a user (the "User") to submit to these General Terms and Condition of Use (the "GTC") and to French law.

1.3. The GTC apply to the Blog and all of its pages and URLs as well as to all of its sub-domains, regardless of their level of hierarchy.

1.4. The GTC are intended to govern the browsing and use of the Blog.

1.5. The use of Content on social networks (Facebook®, Twitter®, LinkedIn®, Instagram®, Tumblr®, etc.) is subject both to the User's compliance with the GTC and to the general conditions of use as set by the operators of the social networks.

1.6. The applicable GTC are those that are available online on the Blog. The date of the last update of the GTC is specified there. APPRENTI PARIEUR can modify the GTC at any time. In the event that after their modification, the GTC remain accessible to the public via other Internet Blogs or by any other means, they will not be opposable to APPRENTI PARIEUR. The User is therefore invited to consult the latest GTC published on the Blog.

1.7. The User declares that he/she has the legal capacity to accept the GTC, in other words, that he/she has reached the age of majority and is not under guardianship or curatorship. In the event that the User is a minor, he/she declares and acknowledges that he/she has obtained the authorisation of his/her parents or of the holder(s) of parental authority, who agree to be guarantors of compliance with all the provisions of the GTC and to be responsible for the use made by their children of the Content, aware that the information contained on the Blog is intended to reach a wide audience.

1.8. In general, the Blog publishes Content intended for an international audience. Depending on your country of residence, each country has its own policy on gambling, with its own objectives to limit and control the supply and consumption of games and to control their operation. The User shall ensure compliance with local customs and practices.

1.9. Some Users may, if they wish, post articles subject to moderation for legal, ethical and editorial reasons. The moderation mechanism may be implemented at any time, even after publication. Articles may be deleted at any time and without notice.



In order to connect to the Blog and access the Content, it is the User's responsibility to ensure that this access and use are made possible in the best conditions by installing the necessary and appropriate software.


3.1. The Blog is normally accessible worldwide. However, for legal reasons, access to the Blog may be restricted from certain countries or territories.

3.2. Access to the Blog, and through it, the Contents is, in principle, possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure, events beyond the control of APPRENTI PARIEUR, possible breakdowns of the Blog as well as maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Blog.

3.3. The editorial service is available by email from the [Contact Us] tab or from the URL http://apprenti-parieur.fr/en/contactez-nous/.


4.1. Cookies are data in the form of a text file, often including a unique identifier. Through the web browser, the cookie is sent by the website to the computer, smartphone or tablet and stored on the corresponding hard disk. Each website can send its own cookie if the browser preferences allow it.

Three types of cookies are used:

  • temporary cookies which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed;

  • persistent cookies which disappear by a voluntary deletion action or by expiration;

  • Web beacons" or "web beacons" are electronic images.

The sole purpose of cookies is to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means and requires the consent of the User.

4.2. Each browser offers the possibility of defining rules to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is sent or to define the rejection of cookies. When this last option is implemented by the User, it is possible that certain personalised characteristics cannot be provided to the User and that, consequently, it will be impossible to take full advantage of the functionalities of the Contents offered by APPRENTI PARIEUR.

There are several ways for the User to manage cookies. Due to the differences between browsers, it is recommended that the rules and preferences concerning cookies be read in the "Help" menu of the browser. Blocking cookies prevents the User from saving, logging in or making full use of the Contents. It is also possible to use the mobile device settings to manage the privacy options.

4.3. On the Blog, cookies store certain information relating to preferences and allow them to be adapted to the User's profile.

Visiting the Blog with the browser settings set to accept "cookies" assumes that the User wishes to use the Content and consents to the use of cookies and other dedicated technologies.

4.4. The information provided by the cookies helps to better interpret the User's navigation and choice of Content in order to offer him/her a better experience on the Blog and when using the Content that will be offered. Cookies offer certain functionalities such as the memorisation of connections between sessions, saved pages or the layout of the Blog carried out by the User when this function exists, etc.

In general, cookies do not contain any personal data. However, when personal data is transmitted through the Contents, this personal data may be linked to the cookies.

4.5. E-mails in HTML format may contain a web tag to inform APPRENTI PARIEUR of the opening of electronic messages or to check clicks on links inserted in the e-mail. It is possible to use this information to find out which messages have caught the attention of the User. The web beacon is deleted as soon as the email is deleted. Emails in plain text format do not include a web beacon.


5.1. Pour toute question sur les Contenus, l’Utilisateur adresse sa demande à partir de l’onglet [Contactez Nous] ou depuis l’adresse URL https://apprenti-parieur.fr/contactez-nous/.

In order for the request to be processed, the User must communicate the following elements: (i) precise identification of the User, (ii) description of the nature of the facts justifying the request (erroneous content, malfunctioning of the Blog; removal of Content) and the context of their occurrence, and (iii) purpose of the request and its justification.

5.2. The request will be examined by the Blog administrator who will implement the means to provide an appropriate solution when this appears necessary.


6.1. The Blog and the Contents are the full and entire property of APPRENTI PARIEUR by virtue of the provisions of articles L.122-6 and following and L.341-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

6.2. The use of the Blog does not imply any transfer to the User of any intellectual property right or right of any other nature, on the Blog, the Contents or on any of the elements composing them.

The use of the Blog does not imply any transfer to the User of the intellectual property rights on the brands, signs or denominations belonging to APPRENTI PARIEUR or to APPRENTI PARIEUR's partners. The User is forbidden to use them, in any form whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, (i) without the prior written authorisation of APPRENTI PARIEUR or (ii) except to indicate, within the framework of his use, the origin of the Content obtained and used.


7.1. APPRENTI PARIEUR implements the care and diligence normally required to publish quality Content on the Blog.

However, APPRENTI PARIEUR cannot be held responsible for any guarantee of any kind, whether implicit or explicit, concerning in particular the accuracy, exhaustiveness, availability, reliability of the information resulting from the use of the Blog, of the Contents, nor of the appropriateness of the Contents for the use that the User intends to make of them.

7.2. APPRENTI PARIEUR has the right to propose on its Blog links (hypertext, "flash", or any other system) allowing to connect and to make a reference to Blogs published by third parties. In the event of using these links, the User assumes all the risks incurred by this action and takes all the necessary measures to protect him/her, in particular his/her equipment against any virus, "trojan" and "spyware".

The presence of links on the Blog does not mean in any way that APPRENTI PARIEUR encourages, approves, is affiliated or associated or authorized to make use of brand names or commercial names, or of logos or symbols appearing in this type of link.

APPRENTI PARIEUR is in no way responsible for third party Blogs accessible by a link or information appearing on its Blog. APPRENTI PARIEUR is not responsible for the content presented and proposed by third party Blogs, advertisers, partners or any other person providing information from the Blog, particularly with regard to the quality, accuracy, topicality, availability, reliability, exhaustiveness or the absence of counterfeiting of information provided by these third parties. It is the User's responsibility to take the necessary precautions to inform himself, to get information, to get advice and to check the information he will have received. APPRENTI PARIEUR is not responsible for the quality of navigation or any problem caused by access to these third party Blogs (including in particular any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process with the same purpose, carried out by these third party Blogs from the Blog).

7.3. APPRENTI PARIEUR cannot be held liable by the User for any prejudice resulting from the use of the Blog, the Contents, the impossibility of accessing the Blog or the Contents, a failure of the Blog or an interruption of the Blog.


8.1. The use of the Blog and the Content is under the control, direction and responsibility of the User.

8.2. The User undertakes not to make any unauthorised use by APPRENTI PARIEUR of the Blog and the Contents or any element likely to cause damage to APPRENTI PARIEUR or to third parties.

8.3. The User uses the Blog and the Contents in such a way as not to cause damage, interruption, alteration or malfunction of the Blog and the Contents.

8.4. The use of the Blog and the Contents is exclusively reserved for private use by natural persons, for private purposes. The use of the Contents for commercial or professional purposes can be envisaged on the condition of having concluded one or several written agreements with APPRENTI PARIEUR authorising such use. Any other use, without prior written authorisation from APPRENTI PARIEUR, constitutes counterfeiting.

8.5. The User undertakes not to infringe any intellectual property right, as defined in Article 6, belonging to APPRENTI PARIEUR or its partners.

8.6. It is strictly forbidden for the User to copy, download, modify, reproduce, post, distribute, transmit or sell, in any way whatsoever, the Contents without prior written authorization from APPRENTI PARIEUR.

8.7. It is strictly forbidden for the User to reproduce, in whole or in part, the Content, data and information consulted, extracted or provided in the context of consulting the Blog. This prohibition applies in particular to all the components and elements present on the Blog and the Contents, including in particular :

  • Editorial (texts, etc.) ;

  • Informative (databases, customised results, etc.) ;

  • Organisational (tabs, presentation of services and content, etc.) ;

  • Structural (tree structure, functioning of the Blog, hypertext links, etc.) ;

  • Conceptual (Blog template, advertisements, promotional offer, all distinctive signs, etc.) ;

  • Visuals (brand names, domain names, logos, iconography, photographs, graphic design, images, signs and signage, etc.);

  • Audiovisual (videos, advertisements, programmes, etc.)

  • Sound.

8.8. The User is responsible for his actions, his writings and in general for his behaviour on the Blog. The User is responsible for his actions, his writings and, in general, his behaviour on the Blog. He is liable for any violation of the GTC and, more generally, of the laws and regulations as well as the uses of the Internet.

8.9. APPRENTI PARIEUR is an advice blog in the field of sports betting. Nevertheless, the implementation of these tips does not give any guarantee on the actual or collected winnings and does not engage its responsibility with regard to the financial losses of the User.

8.10. Depending on your country of residence, each country has its own gambling prevention policy.


9.1. The creation of hypertext links pointing to the Blog's url or its sub-domains is authorised without prior agreement, on the sole condition that the page concerned appears in a new browser window (without the use of frames).

9.2. The sharing of content (audiovisual, textual, advertising, etc.) on social networks is authorised without prior agreement on the twofold condition that the User observes (i) the conditions of use of the social networks on which he/she disseminates the content and (ii) that he/she does not modify or alter the content in such a way as to distort the scope or meaning of the information conveyed by its author or the holder of the proprietary rights of said content.


10.1. Depending on your country of residence, each country has its own gambling prevention policy. The Site regularly displays a warning banner.

10.2. In order to prevent gambling addiction, each licensed operator provides a telephone number on its website for excessive or pathological gamblers and their entourage, under the responsibility of the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education. This call is billed to the subscriber at the price of a local call.

10.3. The User is reminded that any person wishing to be banned from gambling must apply to the Ministry of the Interior or the National Gaming Authority. This ban is valid in casinos, gaming circles and on online gaming sites authorised by virtue of law n°2010-476 of 12 May 2010. This prohibition is also valid on the site of the legal entity holding exclusive rights to offer online games on the basis of Article 136 of the law of 31 May 1933 fixing the general budget for the financial year 1933. It is pronounced for a non reducible period of three years.


11.1. The GTC are subject to French law.

11.2. Any dispute arising from the validity of the provisions of the GTC shall be submitted to the French judge for interpretation or execution, regardless of where the Blog is consulted.

GTC Apprenti Parieur V1.1-2023.01.26




My experience can be summarised in 3 phases. The first with my engineering degree, the second with the tipster apprenticeship and the last as a content creator for punters.

Christophe VIDAL

I have been a turf player since I was 19 years old. The passion is growing with each passing day.