
Beginner bettors: 5 mistakes you shouldn't make!

Being a beginner often means making mistakes, and the same goes for sports betting. You want to get started, but you don't know where to start. If it is true that the net is full of information on the subject, it is so plethoric and contradictory that you sometimes don't know where to turn. If you would like some advice on how to bet, here are 5 that will help you get started.

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Always bet what you can lose.

Even if you have had good bets and you are sure that your next bet will also be a winner, don't bet large amounts. Nobody is ever safe from a bad surprise. Always start with small amounts that won't break your budget.

Choosing a starting bankroll is the best thing you can do before you start betting. Set a capital and a strict management of your bets in order to compensate for periods of gains but also for losses.

Don't rely on your beginner's luck.

You have just won your first sports bet. At such times, many punters, intoxicated by their victories, start to lose touch with reality and start betting on bad odds, relying only on their luck. If you have won a bet, don't bet immediately. Wait until the excitement of winning has subsided before betting again.

Having a clear mind will help you make good predictions, if you are emotionally overwhelmed by your feelings then your view of betting will only be clouded.

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Don't make the same mistakes as novice bettors!

Start with simple bets.

When starting out in the world of sports betting, punters are often tempted by combination bets. Indeed, by allowing us to bet on several events at the same time, they allow us to multiply your odds and maximize your winnings.

Unfortunately you are attracted by the lure of winning, making big bets or stakes, to win fast, big and easy. However, if you want to win with confidence, it is better to start with simple bets. Sports betting is considered a long-distance race, not a 100m race.

Single bets consist of betting on the result of a selection by placing only one prediction, and therefore betting on a single result in a single event (most often a match), by placing a single bet on the odds. They have the advantage of being less complicated and less risky than combination bets.

Don't let sports betting isolate you.

When you are new to sports betting, it is easy to become isolated. If it is normal to fear the reactions of your family and friends, or to feel a slight sense of shame after a losing bet, don't keep it to yourself. Don't keep it to yourself, confide in yourself. Sports betting should be a side activity and should never cut you off from your loved ones.

When you make a bet, whether you win or lose, talk to people close to you. Even before you bet, talk to friends and family. Being well surrounded is one of the keys to success in sports betting.

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Taking a break from sports betting is essential!

Don't gamble in your bad times.

If you are feeling down or not in your right mind, don't bet; even if you are sure you will win. First of all, you don't have all your abilities to bet wisely and if your bet loses, you risk locking yourself into your depression even more.

At such times, it is best to cut yourself off from the world of sports betting and take a step back. Making the right choices also means knowing when to stop or simply not to bet.

Sports betting is full of risks and for these we advise you to read about how to avoid hidden risks in sports betting?.

Beyond winning money, the main purpose of sports betting is to have fun. When you bet, always ask yourself this question: am I enjoying myself?


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