
Unpaid odd error: how to bend the books?

In sports betting, an odds error is a rare phenomenon, but far from non-existent for the most seasoned bettors. It can happen that you encounter an odds error and the operator refuses to settle your bet, for various reasons whether they are abusive or not. In this article, we will guide you on how to get bookmakers to bend and protect your rights in the event of an unpaid odds error.

Table of Contents


Unpaid odds errors can cause stress and frustration for punters. It is therefore important to understand what an unpaid odds error is, what type of error is most likely to be paid and how to resolve it effectively.

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Definition of an unpaid odd error

An unpaid odds error occurs when operators post incorrect odds for a sporting event and then refuse to pay bettors' winnings based on this error.

Some misquotes are more likely to succeed than others:

  • If you bet on a team to win live at odds that are out of line with reality (e.g. you bet on a team to win at 2.50 when the odds should be 1.50 live) then you have a good chance of getting your way.
  • If, on the other hand, you have noticed that the striker of a team has just scored and the bet: "player scores at least one goal" is still available (we are talking about a bet where the outcome is already known) then your chances of having your bet paid are close to 0.

Indeed, to put all the chances on your side, we advise you to avoid betting on predictions where the outcome is already known, this will avoid a loss of winnings but also penalties from your gaming operator.

The importance of dealing with unpaid odds errors with bookmakers

Dealing with an unpaid odds error with bookmakers is crucial, as it can result in a significant loss of earnings for punters. Potential winnings can be considerable, and punters have the right to claim their due in the event of an unpaid odds error. It is therefore essential to know the steps to take to resolve this issue and protect your rights as a punter.

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How does a odd error occur?

It is important to understand the common scenarios that can lead to an unpaid rating error and the legal implications associated with this situation.

Common scenarios leading to unpaid odds errors

There are several situations that can lead to an unpaid odds error. For example, this can happen in the case of human error when entering odds, technical bugs on online betting platforms, or changes in odds after a bet has been placed. There may also be obvious odds errors, where the odds displayed are clearly wrong compared to what should have been offered. When looking for odds errors you can use an odds comparator to judge the real value of the odds if you are in doubt.

Legal implications of an unpaid odd error

In the event of an unpaid odds error, it is essential to know your rights as a punter. Depending on the laws in your country, bookmakers may be liable for their odds errors and may be obliged to pay out winnings to the bettors involved. It is important to check local laws and regulations to understand your rights and remedies in the event of an unpaid odds error. In some cases, you may also be able to appeal to regulatory authorities or consumer protection bodies to resolve such disputes.

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What does the law say in France?

Under French law, online bookmakers are obliged to respect the odds displayed at the time of validation of a bet. In the event of a clear and obvious odds error, the bookmaker cannot refuse to pay out the potential winnings associated with this error.

Indeed, French law stipulates that :

payment of the sums wagered cannot be refused on the grounds that the odds were manifestly wrong at the time the game was concluded, provided that the error is obvious and could have been detected by the average punter.”

L. 322-2 of the Sport Code

Thus, if a bettor notices an unpaid odds error, he or she can assert his or her rights by referring to this legislation and taking the necessary steps to obtain the correction of the error and the payment of the associated potential winnings.

What is the procedure for charging for a odd error?

When you encounter an unpaid rating error, it is crucial to take appropriate action to resolve the problem. Here are the steps to take to deal with this situation:

Procedure in the event of an unpaid odd error :

  1. Check the evidence: Before contacting the bookmaker, make sure you have solid evidence of the unpaid odds error. This may include screenshots of the odds displayed at the time of the bet, account statements, or any other documentation that can prove that the odds error was obvious. Any documentation that proves your good faith will be very helpful in justifying a claim for adjustment of your bet.
  2. Contact the bookmaker Once you have solid evidence, contact the bookmaker to report the unpaid odds error. Use the appropriate communication channels, such as live chat, email or telephone, to clearly explain the problem and provide the necessary evidence.
  3. Be persistent: It may be that the bookmaker refuses to acknowledge the unpaid odds error at first. In this case, be persistent and continue to communicate with them to resolve the problem. Keep a record of all communications, including the names of the bookmaker's representatives you have spoken to, dates and times of calls or emails.

Communicating with operators

It is important to maintain clear and respectful communication with the bookmaker when resolving an unpaid odds error. Explain the problem in detail and provide all the necessary evidence to support your claim. Remain calm and professional, even if you are frustrated by the situation.

It is important to emphasise that the rating error is obvious and must be corrected in accordance with the applicable laws. If necessary, ask to speak to a supervisor or manager to get a quick and fair resolution.

We advise you to keep a record of the exchanges with the operators, which will be very useful for making a complaint in the event that the rating error is still not corrected.

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Escalate the problem if necessary

If, despite your best efforts, the bookmaker refuses to acknowledge the unpaid odds error or does not offer a satisfactory solution, you may consider escalating the problem. This may involve contacting the online betting regulatory authorities in your country, or calling in a lawyer who specialises in sports betting disputes.

In France you can contactAutorité Nationale des Jeux and/or file a case with the Online Gaming Ombudsman. These steps must be taken after contacting the gaming operators and in the event that the latter have not given a favourable response.

Be aware that the procedures with the mediator can take time (at least 90 days), you must be patient and provide the mediator with all the elements you have in your possession to build a solid and admissible case!

The court as a last resort

If you are unsuccessful with the Gambling Ombudsman, or if you are not happy with the Ombudsman's decision, you can take your case to the relevant courts, but this will require you to advance legal costs without the certainty of success.

If you still want to go to this stage, we advise you to contact specialist lawyers such as Lawyer Matthieu Escande, a lawyer and doctor in gaming and betting law will be able to guide you through the process.

Case study : PMU

Statement of the case

PMU had to deal with a major incident in the night of April 8th to 9th in the quotation of its matches. Some punters took advantage of this by placing very high value bets, especially live bets.

PMU first chose to pay the bets, then to count all the bets over the period as void. This meant suspending the ongoing withdrawals made by a very large number. They then announced the technical incident on social networks, apologising for the inconvenience but not paying for the bets made.

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The opinion of the editors

We consider this abusive practice on the part of PMU to be scandalous, as it does not take responsibility for its own malfunctioning. Many punters are being harmed by such practices and these actions do not promote the development of a healthy, responsible and fair game for punters.

The experts' opinion

We invite you to read Maitre Escande's response on the subject.

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If you want to learn more Tweet continued right here !

We will be sure to follow up on the case by updating our article as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can find out more about new articles about bookmakers.


In conclusion, unpaid odds errors are frustrating situations for online bettors. However, it is important to know your rights and remedies as a bettor to resolve this type of problem. By following the proper steps, providing solid evidence and maintaining clear communication with the bookmaker, you can increase your chances of bending the bookmakers and getting a fair resolution.

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